- World-Wide-Web Codes:
- The roadmap to learn React
- React.js
- React Components
- React Virtual DOM
- React Lifecycle
- React State
- React Props
- React Render
- React JSX
- React Function Component Example
- React Function Component Props
- React Function Component:State
- React Arrow Function Component
- React Stateless Function Component
- React Pure Component
- React Function Component: Export & Import
- React Controlled vs Uncontrolled
- React Hooks
- React HOC
- React + Redux
Every component we have seen so far can be called Stateless Function Component. They just receive an input as props and return an output as JSX: (props) => JSX. The input, only if available in form of props, shapes the rendered output. These kind of components don't manage state and don't have any side-effects (e.g. accessing the browser's local storage). People call them Functional Stateless Components, because they are stateless and expressed by a function. However, React Hooks made it possible to have state in Function Components.
Stateless Vs Statefull