- World-Wide-Web Codes:
- The roadmap to learn React
- React.js
- React Components
- React Virtual DOM
- React Lifecycle
- React State
- React Props
- React Render
- React JSX
- React Function Component Example
- React Function Component Props
- React Function Component:State
- React Arrow Function Component
- React Stateless Function Component
- React Pure Component
- React Function Component: Export & Import
- React Controlled vs Uncontrolled
- React Hooks
- React HOC
- React + Redux
React Class Components offered the possibility to decide whether a component has to rerender or not. It was achieved by using the PureComponent or shouldComponentUpdate to avoid performance bottlenecks in React by preventing rerenders. Let's take the following extended example:
In this case, every time you type something in the input field, the App component updates its state, rerenders, and rerenders the Count component as well. React memo -- which is one of React's top level APIs -- can be used for React Function Components to prevent a rerender when the incoming props of this component haven't changed: Now, the Count component doesn't update anymore when the user types something into the input field. Only the App component rerenders. This performance optimization shouldn't be used as default though. I would recommend to check it out when you run into issues when the rerendering of components takes too long (e.g. rendering and updating a large list of items in a Table component).