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    Project Management and Software Development Processes

    Agile and Scrum processes

    Agile and scrum

    Agile is a project management approach that breaks projects into stages.
    While Scrum is a specific Agile methodology that uses sprints to manage projects.


    - A flexible approach that emphasizes collaboration and completing projects in small parts
    - Used to improve project management and software development
    - Fits projects with changing requirements


    - An Agile methodology that uses fixed-length sprints and specific roles
    - Used to manage product development and other knowledge-related work
    - Ideal for complex projects in ever-changing environments

    Key components of Scrum:

    Product backlog:
    A list of work that needs to be done, including features, requirements, enhancements, and fixes

    Sprint backlog:
    A list of items selected by the development team for implementation in a sprint cycle

    Sprint planning meeting:
    A meeting where the development team selects the priority elements of the product backlog for the sprint

    Daily scrum:
    A short meeting where team members share what they worked on, plan for the day, and identify impediments

    Scrum master:
    A facilitator who guides, coaches, and teaches the Scrum team

    Full-Stack Engineer