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    Full-Stack Web App with React,Node.js,Express

    Full Stack Development Questions and Anwsers

    React Basics:

        1- What is the difference between state and props in React?

        The state object is where you store property values that belongs to the component.

        When the state object changes, the component re-renders.

        The state is a data structure that starts with a default value when a Component mounts. It may be mutated across time, mostly as a result of user events.

        Props (short for properties) are a Component's configuration. Props are how components talk to each other. They are received from above component and immutable as far as the Component receiving them is concerned.

        2- Can you explain the concept of "lifting state up" in React? When would you use it?

        In React, Lifting state up is a pattern in React where you move the state from a lower-level component to a higher-level component, so that it can be shared between multiple child components.
        In other words, you are moving the state up the component tree, so that it becomes the responsibility of a higher-level component.

        When would you use it?

        In React, lifting state up refers to the technique of moving a shared state to a common ancestor of the components that need to access or modify it.

        3- How do React hooks ( useState, useEffect, useContext) work and how are they different from class components?

        React Hooks are tools that allow you to use state and other React features without writing class components. They're designed to simplify your code and make it easier to share logic across components.

        Hooks promote a more functional approach, which often leads to simpler and more concise code. Performance: Class components can have performance overhead due to the way they handle updates and lifecycle methods.
        Hooks are designed to be more efficient and can lead to better performance in your React applications

        Q: What is the difference between useState and useEffect?

        A: useState is a hook used to manage state in functional components, while useEffect is a hook used to manage side effects (like fetching data, setting up event listeners, or updating the DOM) in functional components.

        Q: What is the difference between useState and useContext in React?

        The useState hook allows components to maintain and update their internal state, while the useContext hook facilitates the consumption of context values without excessive nesting.
        By leveraging these hooks, React developers can build more efficient and maintainable applications.

        How does React useState work?

        useState allows you to add state to function components. Calling React. useState inside a function component generates a single piece of state associated with that component. Whereas the state in a class is always an object, with Hooks, the state can be any type.

        4- What is JSX and how is it different from HTML?

        JSX is a JavaScript extension commonly used in React to build interactive user interfaces in a visually intuitive way.
        Unlike HTML, JSX enables the embedding of JavaScript expressions and facilitates the creation of reusable components, promoting a more dynamic and efficient approach to web development. To ensure optimal performance,
        What does JSX describe?

        5- Can you walk us through the lifecycle methods of a class-based component in React?

        How do they compare to the hook-based lifecycle (e.g., useEffect)

        While class components offer a structured approach suitable for complex applications, React Hooks provide a more flexible and concise way to build components, especially when dealing with state and side effects in UI logic.

        Key Differences between React Hooks and Class Components

        The distinction between React Hooks and class components lies in their approach to component creation and state management. Traditional patterns like higher order components and render props were used to share logic across components but often introduced complexity and excessive nesting.

        Class components rely on lifecycle methods for executing code at specific times, whereas React Hooks use functions like useEffect to achieve similar outcomes with less boilerplate. Additionally, React Hooks promote code reusability through custom hooks, enabling developers to extract component logic into reusable functions.

        6- How does the useEffect hook work in functional components?

        Can you explain the dependencies array?

        React Hooks have revolutionized how we write and manage state in functional components.
        One of the most commonly used hooks is the useEffect hook .
        The useEffect hook allows us to perform side effects in functional components.
        Side effects could be data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM..

        The useEffect hook accepts two arguments: a callback function and an array of dependencies. The side effect logic is contained in the callback function, and the useEffect dependency array is an optional array of state and props on which the effect depends.

        The dependency array in the useEffect hook is a powerful feature that controls when the effect should run. It is an array of values that the effect depends on. If one of these values changes between renders, React will re-run the effect. If the values have not changed, React will skip the effect.

        The dependency array can include state variables, props, or any other value from the component scope. It is essential to have all the variables the effect uses and could change over time. This is because the useEffect callback function captures the values from the component scope at the time of the initial render and does not have access to the updated values in subsequent renders.

        7- What is React's virtual DOM, and how does it improve performance??

        React creates a virtual DOM in memory, where it does all the necessary manipulating, before making the changes in the browser DOM.

        ReactJS Virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the actual DOM (Document Object Model). React uses this lightweight JavaScript object to track changes in the application state and efficiently update the actual DOM only where necessary.

        How Does the Virtual DOM Work?

        1- Rendering the Virtual DOM: React creates a virtual representation of the UI as a tree of JavaScript objects.

        2- Updating State: It generates a new Virtual DOM tree to reflect the updated state when the application state changes.

        3- Diffing Algorithm: React compares the new Virtual DOM tree with the previous one using its efficient diffing algorithm to identify the minimal set of changes required.

        4- Updating the Real DOM: React applies only the necessary changes to the real DOM, optimizing rendering performance.

        8- How would you optimize performance in a React application?

        Can you provide some examples of techniques you might use ( memoization, lazy loading)?

        How do you optimize performance in a React application?

        To optimize a React application's performance, you can implement techniques like memoization to prevent unnecessary re-renders, lazy loading to load components only when needed, code splitting to break down large bundles, utilize React.memo or PureComponent for shallow comparison checks, efficiently render lists with keys, and optimize image loading with lazy loading and compression; further optimization strategies include throttling events, using React fragments, and profiling your application to identify bottlenecks

        Key optimization techniques and explanations:

        Concept: Caches the result of a calculation based on its inputs, returning the cached value when the same inputs are provided again, avoiding redundant computations. Implementation: Use the useMemo hook to memoize expensive calculations within a component.

        Lazy Loading:

        Lazy loading in React is a technique to optimize performance by only loading components when they are needed, rather than loading everything upfront. This can significantly improve the initial load time of your application, especially for large applications with many components

        Code Splitting:

        Code-Splitting is a feature supported by bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, and Browserify which can create multiple bundles that can be dynamically loaded at runtime.

        React.memo or PureComponent:
        Does React Memo improve performance?

        React Memo is a higher-order component that wraps around a component to memoize the rendered output and avoid unnecessary renderings in cases where the props passed to the child component are the same.

        This improves performance because it memoizes the result and skips rendering to reuse the last rendered result.

        List Optimization (Key prop and Virtualized Lists):

        Image Optimization:

        Choose the Right Image Format:

        WebP: This format offers superior compression compared to JPEG and PNG, resulting in smaller file sizes.

        JPEG: Suitable for photographs and images with complex color gradients.

        PNG: Ideal for images with sharp edges, text, and transparency.

        Throttling and Debouncing Events:

        React Fragments:

        Avoid unnecessary DOM elements:

        Wrapping elements in a < div > just to group them adds clutter to your DOM, impacting performance and making styling more complex.

        Important Considerations:

        - Profiling: Use React DevTools to identify performance bottlenecks in your application and prioritize optimization efforts.

        - Production Build: Always deploy your app in production mode to benefit from optimizations like minification and code removal.

        - Measure Performance: Use tools to measure loading times and identify areas for improvement TMemoization is a React performance optimization feature that, when utilized correctly, improves application efficiency.
        To achieve memoization

        9- Can you explain how React Router works for navigation in a React app?

        React Router simplifies navigation in React applications by providing a declarative approach to define routes and their corresponding components using JSX syntax.
        It supports nested routing, route parameters, and programmatic navigation,

        In a single-page React Application, routing refers to the process of navigating between different pages without triggering a full page reload. The application initially loads a single HTML page. Then, it dynamically renders different components based on user interaction.

        How is routing handled in react?

        How React Router works for navigation in a React app?

        React Router is a standard library for routing in React apps. It enables the navigation between different components in a single page application, without the need for a full page reload.

        How to implement dynamic routing with React Router?

        We can now proceed to create a route to handle dynamic routing in our App.js file this way:

        // App.js.

        import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

        // ...

        import ProductDetails from './Pages/ProductDetails';

        const App = () => {

        return (


        10- What is Redux, and how would you implement it in a React application?

        Redux is a state management library commonly used with React, although it can also be used with other JavaScript frameworks. It helps manage the state of your application. It was inspired by Flux, another state management architecture developed by Facebook for building client-side web applications.

        To implement Redux in a React.js application. you would create a store, define actions to trigger state updates, write reducers to handle those actions, and then use the Provider component to make the store accessible to your React components, allowing them to read state using useSelector and update state by dispatching actions with useDispatch from the React Redux library.

        Using npm

        To use Redux and Redux Toolkit, install dependencies in your React app.

        Open terminal in created React app directory and run these commands:

        npm install redux react-redux @reduxjs/toolkit

        see more step by step Redux-React

        11- Can you explain the concept of actions, reducers, and stores in Redux?

        In Redux, an "action" represents an event that describes a change in application state, a "reducer" is a pure function that updates the state based on an action, and a "store" is the central location where the application state is held and managed, allowing components to access and update the state through actions and reducers.

        Reducers specify how the application's state changes in response to actions sent to the store.

        Remember that actions only describe what happened, but don't describe how the application's state changes.

        12- How does Context API compare to Redux? When would you choose one over the other?

        While both Context API and Redux are used for state management in React, Context API is considered a simpler, lightweight solution ideal for small to medium-sized applications with basic state needs, whereas Redux is better suited for large, complex applications requiring robust state management with advanced features like middleware and time-travel debugging.

        Redux is suitable for experienced developers. Redux is suitable for large and complex applications.

        Context API is suitable for small applications.

        ......Context API......

        Context API is a built-in feature of React and is simpler and more lightweight than Redux. It allows you to share state between components without having to pass props down through multiple levels of the component tree, which can make your code more concise and easier to manage.

        13- What is CSS-in-JS? How does it work, and when might you use it in a React app?

        CSS-in-JS is a technique for writing CSS styles directly within your JavaScript components, instead of using separate CSS files. This approach offers several advantages for React applications:

        Jsxcode-Ebook -CSS

        Styling and CSS -in a React app

        14- What libraries have you used for styling React components (e.g., Styled Components, Emotion, Tailwind CSS)?

        There is a " binary-ui" library, it uses styled-components it works with react and react-native as well.

        What CSS library to use with React?

        - The seven best CSS frameworks for React in 2023 are

        - Tailwind CSS


        - Material-UI

        - Chakra UI

        - Ant Design

        - Bulma, and Semantic UI.

        - Choose your CSS framework wisely, depending on the unique needs and requirements of your project

        What are React component libraries?

        React UI component libraries are collections of ready-to-use or pre-coded user interface elements that help accelerate software development. These pre-designed elements range from buttons, modals, and cards to complex components like data tables and charts.

        15- How do you ensure that your application is responsive?

        To ensure an application is responsive

        We need to implement a design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices using techniques like fluid grids, media queries, and breakpoints, while optimizing images and testing thoroughly across various devices to identify potential layout issues on different screen sizes; essentially, prioritizing a user experience that functions seamlessly on any device, from desktops to mobile phones

        Key elements of responsive design:

        Fluid Grid Layout:
        Use flexible grids where elements scale proportionally with screen size, allowing for consistent layout across various devices.

        Media Queries:
        CSS rules that apply different styles based on screen size, allowing you to adjust elements like font sizes, layout, and image sizes for different devices.

        Specific screen widths where your layout changes to adapt to different device sizes.

        Image Optimization:
        Use responsive image techniques like "srcset" to serve the appropriate image size for each device, reducing loading times.

        Content Prioritization:
        Decide which content is most important for smaller screens and prioritize its visibility while potentially hiding less critical content on smaller devices.

        Responsive Navigation:
        Design navigation menus that adapt to different screen sizes, like using hamburger menus on mobile devices.

        ..............Testing for Responsiveness:.........

        Device Simulator Tools:
        Utilize browser developer tools to simulate different screen sizes and device orientations.

        Responsive Design Checker Tools:
        Online tools that allow you to test your website on various screen sizes and provide feedback on potential issues.

        Real Device Testing:
        Test your application on a variety of actual devices to identify any device-specific issues.

        ........Important Considerations:......

        Mobile-First Design:
        Consider designing primarily for smaller screens first, then scaling up for larger devices.

        User Experience:
        Ensure that the layout and interactions are intuitive and easy to use on any device.

        Performance Optimization:
        Optimize image sizes and code to maintain fast loading times across all devices.

        16- How do you approach testing in React?

        What libraries or tools do you use for testing ( Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme)?

        React Testing Library is a set of helpers that let you test React components without relying on their implementation details.

        This approach makes refactoring a breeze and also nudges you towards best practices for accessibility.

        . Libraries:

        A powerful JavaScript testing framework that provides a complete testing solution with features like mocking, snapshot testing, and code coverage.

        React Testing Library:
        A library that encourages testing components from a user's perspective, making tests more resilient to implementation changes.

        A testing utility that allows for direct manipulation and traversal of React component trees. However, it's becoming less popular due to its reliance on implementation details.

        A robust end-to-end testing framework that runs tests in a real browser, providing a seamless testing experience.

        17- Can you explain how you would test a React component that includes state and props?

        To test a React component with state and props, We would typically use a testing library like React Testing Library, render the component with different prop combinations and initial state values, and then use the library's querying methods to assert that the rendered UI matches the expected behavior based on the provided props and state updates;

        We're simulating different user interactions that would trigger state changes and verifying that the component updates correctly on the screen.

        Key steps involved:

        Import necessary modules:
        Import the required functions from React Testing Library, like render, screen, and any other utilities you need to interact with the rendered component.

        Create test cases:
        Write individual test cases for different scenarios, covering various prop combinations and potential state updates.

        Render the component:
        Use the render function to render your component with the desired props and initial state.

        Query elements:
        Utilize the screen object to access elements within the rendered DOM using methods like getByText, getByRole, or queryByTestId to target specific UI elements.

        Assert expectations:
        Use Jest's assertion methods like expect to verify that the rendered elements match your expectations based on the provided props and state.

        Example test for a simple counter component with state and a prop for the initial count:

        .............. code Begins here.......

        import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';

        import Counter from './Counter'; // Your component

        test('renders the initial count from props', () => {

        render(<"Counter initialCount={5}" />); //"" string bay kadhigayaan ee codeka kamid maaha

        const countElement = screen.getByText('5'); // Access the count display



        test('increments the count when button is clicked', () => {

        render(<"Counter initialCount={0}"/>); "" codeka kamid maaha

        const incrementButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Increment' }); // Find the button

        userEvent.click(incrementButton); // Simulate a click
        const countElement = screen.getByText('1'); // Check updated count



        .............. code ends here.......

        Important points to consider:

        Testing edge cases:
        Cover scenarios like invalid props, empty state, or unexpected user interactions.

        Mocking data:
        If your component interacts with external data sources, use mocks to simulate responses and avoid relying on actual API calls during tests.

        Focus on user interactions:
        When testing state changes, prioritize testing how user actions (like clicking a button) trigger state updates and subsequent UI changes.

        18- How do you fetch data from APIs in a React app?

        Can you walk us through the steps of using fetch or axios with useEffect?

        Can you walk us through the steps of using fetch or axios with useEffect?

        Using JavaScript Fetch API

        The JavaScript Fetch API is an inbuilt browserВ░й's native API that gives an easy interface to fetch the data from the network. The simplest way to use fetch() is by taking one argument and the path from where the data is to be fetched and then returning a promise in a JSON object.

        Using Axios Library

        Axios is an online HTTP library running on node.js that allows us to make various HTTP requests to a given server endpoint. If we see it working, then it uses the http module on the server side, whereas it uses XMLHttpRequests on the browser side.

        Step 1. Create a React Application

        The first thing to do is create a React application from scratch using npx command.
        create a react app in your desired directory and name the project of your choice.

        For this example, we have created a project called "demo."

        npx create-react-app demo

        Once the project is created, change the directory to where the app folder is created.

        cd demo

        For using the axios library, we need to install that and we can do that using two ways i.e., either install using NPM or Yarn. Install it with any one of your choice or requirements.

        npm install axios


        yarn add axios


        Import Axios:
        -Start by importing the Axios library.

        Make the Request:
        - Use axios.get() to send a GET request to your API endpoint. Replace https://api.example.com/data with the actual URL of your API.

        Handle the Response:
        - Use await to make the function asynchronous and wait for the response.
        - If the request is successful, response.data will contain the data returned by the API.
        - You can then process and use this data as needed.

        Handle Errors:
        - Use a try...catch block to handle potential errors during the request.
        - If an error occurs, the catch block will be executed and you can log the error or take appropriate actions.

        React app codes is here.....

        Fetching data from APIs in a React app.

        19- Have you worked with WebSockets or GraphQL in React?

        Can you explain how they differ from traditional REST APIs?

        REST and GraphQL allow you to create, modify, update, and delete data on a separate application, service, or module via API.

        APIs developed with REST are known as RESTful APIs or REST APIs.

        Key differences: GraphQL vs. REST

        A REST API is an architectural concept for application communication.
        On the other hand, GraphQL is a specification, an API query language, and a set of tools.
        GraphQL operates over a single endpoint using HTTP.
        In addition, REST development has been more focused on making new APIs.
        Meanwhile, GraphQL's focus has been on API performance and flexibility.

        see more When to use GraphQL vs. REST

        20-How do you ensure the security of your React applications, especially when dealing with sensitive data?

        To secure your React applications, particularly when handling sensitive data, focus on implementing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, using HTTPS for data transmission, thoroughly validating user inputs, encrypting sensitive data, avoiding direct DOM manipulation, keeping dependencies updated, and leveraging security features like Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent malicious scripts from executing on your site.

        Key security practices for React applications:

        Authentication and Authorization:
        - Use robust authentication methods like JWT (JSON Web Token) or OAuth2 to manage user logins and access control.

        - Implement strong password policies and consider multi-factor authentication.

        - Limit access to sensitive data based on user roles and permissions.

        Data Encryption:
        - Encrypt sensitive data like passwords, credit card details, and personal information both in transit and at rest using strong encryption algorithms.

        - Store encryption keys securely on the server, never exposing them directly in the client-side code.

        Input Validation and Sanitization:
        - Always validate user input on the server-side before processing it to prevent potential attacks like SQL injection and XSS.

        - Sanitize user-generated HTML content before rendering it on the page using libraries like DOMPurify.

        HTTPS and Secure Communication:
        - Ensure all communication between the client and server is encrypted using HTTPS.

        - Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to force browsers to always use HTTPS connections.

        Content Security Policy (CSP):
        - Use a CSP to control which scripts and resources can be loaded on your application, preventing malicious code execution.

        Secure Data Storage:
        - Avoid storing sensitive data directly in the browser's local storage.

        - Utilize secure storage mechanisms provided by the browser or backend services for sensitive information.

        Dependency Management:
        - Regularly check for security vulnerabilities in your project dependencies and update them promptly.

        Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
        - If using SSR, ensure proper security measures are implemented on the server side as well.

        Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
        - Implement CSRF protection mechanisms like using anti-CSRF tokens in forms to prevent unauthorized requests.

        Logging and Monitoring:
        - Implement robust logging systems to track user activity and potential security incidents.

        - Monitor your application for suspicious behavior and potential security threats.

        Securing React deployments requires careful attention to several critical areas. br>br> Use React's built-in XSS protection, validate URLs, avoid direct DOM manipulation, and ensure safe server-side rendering. Regularly check for vulnerabilities in dependencies, securely handle JSON state, and avoid exposing sensitive data.

        21- What best practices do you follow when writing React code to ensure maintainability and scalability?

        To ensure maintainability and scalability in React code, best practices include:

        using functional components with hooks, keeping components small and focused, following consistent naming conventions, utilizing a well-structured folder system, optimizing performance with memoization, avoiding unnecessary state, leveraging a state management library when needed, and thoroughly testing your components.

        Key points to consider:

        Component Structure:
        Small components: Break down complex UI into smaller, reusable components with specific functionalities.

        Naming conventions:
        Use clear and descriptive names for components and props to enhance code readability.

        Functional components with hooks: Prefer functional components with React hooks (useState, useEffect) for managing state and side effects.

        State Management: Minimal state: Only use state when necessary and avoid unnecessary state updates. State management libraries: For complex applications, consider using a state management library like Redux or Context API to manage global state effectively. Performance Optimization: Memoization: Use React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders of components when props haven't changed. Code splitting: Load components only when needed to improve initial page load time Lazy loading: Delay loading of content until it becomes visible on the screen Styling:
        CSS-in-JS: Use libraries like styled-components or Emotion to manage styles within your JavaScript code Avoid inline styles: Prefer external CSS files for better maintainability.

        Folder Structure:
        Consistent organization: Maintain a logical folder structure to group components by feature or functionality

        Type Safety:
        TypeScript: Consider using TypeScript to add static type checking and improve code reliability.

        Unit tests: Write comprehensive unit tests to ensure component behavior is as expected.

        Here are the ten best React tips for writing clean React code:

        - Use meaningful component names. Give component names that reflect their functionality.

        - Break down components.

        - Use destructuring.

        - Keep components small.

        - Use prop-types.

        - Use functional components.

        - Avoid using inline styles.

        - Use arrow functions.

        22- What measures would you take to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in React??

        To prevent XSS attacks in React, prioritize strict input validation and sanitization on both the client and server side, always use JSX for rendering, avoid directly manipulating the DOM with methods like innerHTML, implement a Content Security Policy (CSP), and regularly review dependencies for vulnerabilities while keeping them updated.

        Key practices to follow:

        Input Validation:
        Thoroughly validate user input at the first point of entry to ensure it conforms to expected formats and data types.

        Output Encoding:
        Properly encode user input before rendering it in the DOM using appropriate escaping mechanisms like encodeURIComponent to prevent malicious script execution.

        Use JSX:
        Leverage React's JSX syntax to automatically escape HTML entities, minimizing the risk of XSS vulnerabilities.

        Avoid dangerouslySetInnerHTML:
        Only use dangerouslySetInnerHTML when absolutely necessary and with extreme caution, as it allows raw HTML injection.

        Content Security Policy (CSP):
        Implement a CSP to define allowed sources for scripts, styles, and other resources, further restricting potential XSS attacks.

        Sanitization Libraries:
        Consider using dedicated libraries like DOMPurify to sanitize HTML content before rendering it in the DOM.

        Dependency Management:
        Regularly check for security vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies and update them promptly.

        Server-Side Validation:
        Perform additional validation on the server-side to reinforce security even if the client-side validation is bypassed.

        Secure Coding Practices:
        Adhere to secure coding principles such as least privilege, input validation, and proper error handling.

        Important points to remember:
        Never trust user input: Always treat user input as potentially malicious and sanitize it before rendering.

        Regular security audits:
        Conduct periodic security reviews to identify potential vulnerabilities and address them promptly.

        Educate developers:
        Ensure your development team is well-versed in XSS prevention techniques and best practices.

        To prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in React, you can use the following techniques:

        - Avoid using dangerouslySetInnerHTML:

        - Sanitize user inputs.

        - Escape HTML entities.

        - Use JSX for rendering.

        - Content Security Policy (CSP)

        - HTTPOnly cookies:

        - Verify any Third-party Libraries before using them.

        23- Can you explain the importance of code splitting in large React apps and how it helps improve performance?

        Code splitting in large React applications is crucial for improving performance by dividing the application's code into smaller chunks that are loaded only when needed, significantly reducing the initial load time and optimizing resource usage, leading to a smoother user experience.

        Key points about code splitting in React:

        Smaller initial payload:
        Instead of loading the entire application at once, code splitting allows you to load only the necessary components for the current view, resulting in a smaller initial JavaScript bundle that loads faster.

        On-demand loading:
        Components or features that are not immediately needed are loaded only when the user navigates to the relevant section of the application, optimizing bandwidth usage.

        Improved caching:
        By splitting code into smaller chunks, browsers can cache individual pieces more effectively, leading to faster subsequent loads when a user revisits a page with previously loaded components.

        Parallel loading:
        With modern bundlers like Webpack, multiple code chunks can be loaded in parallel, further reducing perceived loading time.

        How to implement code splitting in React:
        Dynamic imports:
        React provides a native way to implement code splitting using the import() function with dynamic imports, which allows you to load modules on demand.

        Lazy loading:
        Combine code splitting with lazy loading techniques to further optimize when components are loaded based on user interactions.

        Benefits of code splitting:
        Enhanced user experience: Faster initial loading times lead to a more positive user experience.

        Scalability: As applications grow larger, code splitting helps manage complexity and maintain performance.

        Optimized resource usage: By loading only the necessary code, the application consumes less bandwidth and memory.

        see more Example of code splitting:

        24- Tell us about a time when you faced a particularly challenging bug in a React application.

        How did you approach debugging and solving it?

        How to debug a React app?

        Since I started working as a software developer, I find myself spending the majority of the day debugging a big react app.

        This is not the result of a poorly implemented code, but what I feel is the natural process in which I find myself involved daily:

        I can debug to find the root cause of an actual bug Or I can debug as part of the normal development process (most likely)

        When hunting for actual bugs in the code, we need to focus on tools and systematic processes to analyse the code in search of what's not working and accept the fact that the person that wrote the code may not be available to answer our questions.

        Sometimes, though, the bug might have been introduced by ourselves , and we can find it difficult to step in the shoes of our past selves in order to understand why we did what we did. No matter what's the case, they all have

        something in common:
        we need to use tools to help us debug the app and find what's wrong with it.

        More often than not, I feel debugging is not solving a particular issue affecting a customer, but the natural process inherent to the development of software. If I want to create a feature for an existing app (or build one from scratch), I will often face code that is not working as it is supposed to , and here is when I will pull out the "debugging arsenal" to find out what's wrong with the code in order to keep moving forward in the development process. A special note: when a bug is introduced by ourselves Let's apply some logic here:

        if we have created a bug, then we are not in the position to be able to solve it, because if we could, we wouldnt have created it in the first place! This is why we need additional tools that can help us to step outside ourselves in the process of finding a bug, just like if we were detectives trying to solve a crime in which we are the prime suspect. We need to be methodical, go step by step, test a lot, and gather evidence. Here is where debugging tools come to our rescue.

        Breakpoints and the debugger
        When debugging a React app, I often find breakpoints to be very helpful. There are two main ways in which we can use them:

        By writing the debugger statement in our source code
        By clicking on a specific line of the code in the Chrome web browser (or Firefox, Edge, etc.) Developer Tools.

        Using the debugger statement
        The debugger statement invokes any available debugging functionality, such as setting a breakpoint.

        If no debugging functionality is available, this statement has no effect. - Source

        Let's say we have a project in which we are interested in finding out what's happening in a particular section of code. In this example, I'm using the source code of my portfolio site, which you can find in this GitHub repository). I have introduced a bug, and now I will search for it using the debugger. In this particular bug, the third animation related to the portfolio title is not working correctly, so I can write the debugger statement in that section of the code. Once the file is saved and compiled, as soon as I reload the page and the browser parses that code, it will stop on the line that has the debugger statement on it. The browser will then display useful data in the Developer Tools pane.

        see more about it..... debugger statement

        25- Can you describe a project where you had to collaborate with other teams (e.g., back-end, design)?

        How did you ensure the front-end aligned with the rest of the team's work?

        In a recent project, our team faced a complex technical issue that required innovative problem-solving.

        We organized brainstorming sessions where team members from back-end and front-end shared their perspectives and ideas.

        During a complex project, I collaborated with team members, sharing ideas and feedback.
        We divided tasks based on individual strengths, We revamping the company's website to improve user experience and increase online sales, and our coordinated efforts led to a successful project completion.

        26-Tell us about a time you mentored or helped a junior developer. How did you ensure they understood React concepts?

        So I've taught quite a few juniors/very fresh to react individuals and I've found some things that work and some that don't!
        First, it's very important to feel out how confident and comfortable the individual is with React.

        Ask them where they are and then have them prove it to you with working on simple issues and debugging problems.

        This should give you a good sense of where they are and what they are capable of.
        Second, I would make sure to check in on them very regularly during this process, juniors (really people) can be very intimidated by the thought of coming to ask for help so offering it regularly can help ease that and get them over hurdles faster.

        Third, as you figure out where they are you can gradually pick bigger and more complex issues to give to them. Exposure is everything!
        Let them sit in on design meetings and ask questions and try to explain even if it goes over their head to start with.

        One thing to be careful of though is giving someone too complex a task up front.

        This can lead to burnout and a feeling of frustration if they can't make meaningful process and have to rewrite their code multiple times during the review process.

        Full-Stack Engineer